Redundancy waves and restructurings evoke many questions from working professionals. How can you position yourself in such a way that - if it comes to a dismissal round - you optimize your chances of not being dismissed and thus keeping your current job or finding a better one?
The altering labor market is changing the traditional employment relationship between "employer" and "employee" into an "employee driven market". It is no longer about a new "job with a permanent contract" but income security and self-management. Why wait for a social plan, a next dismissal round or announcement of reorganization? You will not be in the drivers seat, you have nothing under control and that can be frustrating. On the other hand, if you prepare for this, you are the first in line for finding a next and better job. Below you can find some advice on how to achieve that.
Become an entrepreneur of your own career. Make sure you learn how to manage your career as an enterprising employer. As middle management or higher staff you can position yourself by thinking and acting as an independent and independent professional and by seeing your employer as a big client for whom you work. It is important to think along with your customer. Think together with your current employer. What is the common goal of the organization you work for? So think beyond the goal of your own department within a company. Realize that the end customer is the one who pays the company and all its employees, including your boss. So think about which actions you can take as an organization in this respect and what your own responsibility is. Think and trade numerical. Join online professional groups like Linked In and make spontaneous contact with recruiters and headhunters like Compusearch, but also with people from your professional network: suppliers, colleagues, customers!
Set up your own career plan. Where do you want your career to be 5 years from now? What is your next professional goal? What are the steps you need to take to get there? Which trainings and courses can you take? Headhunters often offer career guidance and can help you to define your job criteria, values and talents and so create a realistic career plan.
Work on your own personal brand. Create a trademark of yourself, and actively position yourself as your own employer. Use social media in this. Make yourself visible online and optimize your Linked In profile, so headhunters and recruiters can find you quickly, whether you're in a job or looking for a job! What distinguishes you from another employee who applies for the same position? What makes you unique? Why should a recruiter choose you and not that other applicant? Ask people with whom you have worked before or if they can help you by giving you feedback and writing referrals.