We have established our unique recruitment process, Compusearch™, during 21 years of experience in 5 ICT-related labour markets.
We are committed to presenting only the best 25% candidates to our clients.
This approach has led to our Compubase™, a database of 75,000 highly qualified candidates who entrust us with every step of their career.
Using our "virtual magnifying glass technology™", based on the principles of semantic search, we can quickly zoom in on those candidates that are interesting for your vacancy. We can summarize our approach and 7 key words:
- Targeted: we only offer executive and direct search for ICT related profiles.
- Thoroughly: we leave no stone unturned in our search for the right candidate.
- Flexible: every assignment is approached on the basis of its own unique requirements.
- Specialized: we are specialized in 5 ICT-related labour markets and know these markets very well.
- Networking: we search our candidates through an extensive network of contacts, social media, user groups and referrals.
- Up-to-date: our Compubase™ is constantly being updated and is supported by research, the internet and publications in selected media.
- Qualitative: every candidate we send is screened face 2 face by one of our consultants. We will only send you candidates that meet the criteria you have requested.